Since 2003 supporting collections around the world to find rare and one-of-a-kind automobilia collectibles.
We are ArtOnWheels, a group of collectors based on Buenos Aires, Argentina, who share the passion for outstanding automobilia pieces mostly from the first decades of the 20th century.
Our product range consist of pre-war Car Mascots, Saint Christopher dashboard badges, and not often seen fine Motoring Novelties, that were very popular after the introduction of the automobile.
With customers from all over the world, we are happy to find that special piece that someone was looking for his/her collection, while also assisting collectors with reference information.
Because not all our items are on display on the website, do not hesitate to contact us for special enquiries at artonwheels@fibertel.com.ar.
The beginning of ArtOnWheels…
Our first approach to automobilia collectibles takes us back to the early 1990s when reading a book about luxurious automobiles of the golden era of motoring; there was a picture of the factory mascot for the Hispano Suiza automobiles, the fantastic stork designed by F.Bazin, and known in French as Cigogne. We started looking everywhere to find one example to display with our automobile literature collection. Navigating through different antiques shops on the web, we spotted a good example of the Hispano Suiza mascot. It was during this process that we discovered the extensive world of factory hood ornaments, and the even greater universe of accessory mascots, that introduced us to the world of dealing with these small pieces of art.

When you live surrounded by automotive items, it is highly probable that you come across nice pieces that were never in your mind… and this is the case with Saint Christopher dashboard badges, used as talismans or lucky items for motorist. Back in 2003, when visiting a local autojumble, we spotted a nice, tiny green enamel badge signed by Tairac (a renown religious item artist). This piece was the foundation for a today collection of more than 900 dashboard badges, many of them truly works of jewelry.

More or less at the same time, and by start reading about motoring novelties, is that our interest on automobilia grew more. We spotted over the internet a tiny 1930s automobile shape figurine, with an angel or a winged devil behind the wheel. Although it is not probably a very antique piece it is a very nice work. Later on, we discovered a folding knife in the form of a touring car. After some research and mainly with the help of the fantastic book by Zolomij, The Motor Car in Art, we discovered a world of early artifacts used to represent in different ways the magnificent invention that means the automobile. Through this book, we started to collect knifes, pocket watches, tobacciana items, sculptures, inkwells, pottery and so many items decorated with motoring scenes.

An so, since 2003 we started to connect with other collectors to deal with our items, letting some pieces go to receive new ones. And that is our mission, to discover and to share these fantastic items so future generations can learn about the impact of the automobile in the art culture.